sábado, 21 de março de 2009

Palm Sunday in the Rite of Braga

Braga Cathedral

News came to the NLM that a rare liturgical treat will be in evidence on Palm Sunday in Providence, Rhode Island, USA at the church of the Holy Name of Jesus.

On that day, Fr. Joseph Santos, will offer Mass according to the liturgical books of Braga, otherwise known as the Bragan rite.

Fr. Santos, Parochial Administrator of Holy Name Church, is a priest of the Archdiocese of Braga, the Primatial See of Portugal.

The Rite of Braga, an ancient variation of the Roman Rite, was one of the rites permitted by the Council of Trent to continue in use after the Council due to its antiquity. It was neither "reformed" nor restricted after Vatican II. It is similar to the Roman Rite but the ceremonies for many feasts and solemnities are more elaborate. This is particularly true in the case of The Second Sunday of the Passion also known as Palm Sunday.

Others Western Rites:

Mozarabic Missal

Missale Coloniense (1525) (Cologne Missal)

Missale Carthusiensis (Modern edition)

Missale Ordinis Praedicatorum (Dominican Missal)

Sarum Missal

Missale Ambrosianum (Ambrosian Missal)

Source: New Liturgical Movement